  1. Calendar 1 Make sure you have at least one group set up and there are people in the group. Choose one person in your group to be a group leader. The group leader is the only person who can edit the group calendar.

  2. Calendar 2 Navigate to

  3. Group Calendar 102 Make sure a groups is set up in b1. Click on the admin icon.

  4. Group Calendar 103 Click on the mobile icon

  5. Group Calendar 104 Click on the + to add a tab.

  6. Group Calendar 105 Type “Groups”

  7. Group Calendar 106 Group Calendar 107 Add the group icon if you would like.

  8. Group Calendar 108 Group Calendar 109 Choose the type “My Groups”

  9. Group Calendar 110 Be sure to click Save.

  10. Calendar 3 Click on the hamburger icon

  11. Calendar 4 Choose groups

  12. Calendar 5 Select one of your groups

  13. Calendar 6 Click “add an event” or click on a date

  14. Calendar 7 Fill out the event form

  15. Calendar 8 Be sure to add a start and end time for the event

  16. Calendar 8:1 Click the recurring box it the event repeats

  17. Calendar 8:2 Choose the Interval, Frequency and when the recurring event ends

  18. Calendar 9 Be sure to save your event

  19. Calendar 10 The event will show up in your group calendar

  20. Calendar 11 You can add notes to your calendar at the bottom of the page

  21. Calendar 13 The event will show up in your member portal