B1 Website Admin

Connecting your B1 Website to your domain.

The process for configuring DNS records may differ depending on the registrar and DNS provider you are using. The options available for setting up the root domain (e.g., example.com) typically include CNAME or A - ALIAS records.

Modern registrars support either a CNAME or A - ALIAS record for the root domain. In this case, you should set the record to “proxy.b1.church.” This allows you to easily point the root domain to the desired destination.

However, for older registrars that do not support CNAME or A - ALIAS records for the root domain, an A record must be used to point to the IP address instead. This requires specifying the IP address directly in the DNS settings.

It’s important to note that the specific instructions may vary depending on your registrar’s interface and the DNS provider you are using. It’s recommended to refer to the documentation or support resources provided by your registrar and DNS provider for precise instructions tailored to your setup.

In this example, let’s assume we are using GoDaddy.com as the registrar, which operates with the older type of DNS configuration. With GoDaddy, we need to set up an A record to point the root domain to the desired IP address.

  1. Screen Shot 2023-07-08 at 8 05 03 PM Navigate to the b1 app website builder to ensure your homepage path is left blank to load the website as the root.

  2. Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 7 08 22 AM Navigate to Chums.org and log in. Once logged in, click on setting then click the pencil icon to edit the church settings.

  3. subdomain Check your subdomain name to make sure it matches your website address. For example, if your website address is www.test0923.org then your subdomain should be test0923.

  4. Screen Shot 2023-07-08 at 8 00 52 PM Scroll down and add your domain. Add it twice, once with www and once without. Click save.

  5. Screen Shot 2023-07-08 at 7 10 53 PM Login to your GoDaddy account, click on your name and navigate to “my products.” Choose the domain you want to use. Once you find the domain you want to use click on “DNS.”

  6. Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 7 23 57 AM Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 7 25 12 AM If “Add a new Record” is grey instead of black you will need to change your nameserver to GoDaddy. Click on Nameservers then “change name Servers” and make sure you are on GoDaddy name Servers.

  7. Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 6 48 05 AM Return to DNS management, click on DNS Records then click on “Add new Record”.

  8. Screen Shot 2023-07-08 at 7 57 13 PM First let’s add the CNAME: proxy.b1.church. If you get the warning that it cannot be added because there is another CNAME file using www go to that file and delete it.

  9. Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 6 50 59 AM Next the A Record

  10. Screen Shot 2023-07-08 at 7 57 49 PM After adding both records, the page should resemble this example, indicating that your site is now pointing to the website you created on b1.Church. If there is an A file named “Parked” or “Park” delete it.