B1 Website Admin

How to Save Resources

Resources 1

In the B1 app navigate to the web design page. In the bottom right corner choose “Manage Files” under “Additonal Resources”.

Resources 2

Click on the “Choose File” button

Resources 3

Choose the file from your computer.

Resources 4

Click the “Upload” button.

Resources 5

After the file is uploaded it will show up under “Files”

Resources 6

Click on the name of the file to see that file. Copy the link in your browser to use this file in your website.

Resources 7

Choose the website icon to place a file in your website.

Resources 8

Choose the page you want to insert the file into. Choose the “Embed Page” button.

Resources 9

Drag the “Embed Page” button on to your page.

Resources 10

Paste the link of the resource into the source field.

Resources 11

Choose a height (1000 is good for a regular sized PDF)

Resources 12

Your PDF is now embedded in your web page.