Make sure you have a section placed on your page.
Set the design of your section and click save.
Click the Video button and drag it to the Section.
Choose Youtube or Vimeo.
Go to your youtube channel. If you do not have a youtube channel follow the instructions on the youtube site to set one up.
Click on your photo in the top right corner and choose your channel.
Click manage videos.
Click the three dots to choose options.
Click get shareable link.
Paste the link in the id box.
Select the first part of the link you just pasted and cut it out leaving the numbers at the end.
Your video will appear in your page.
Log in to your Vimeo account and click the library button.
Click the copy link button on the video you want to use.
Click copy video link.
Back in B1, choose Vimeo.
Paste the link in the ID box
Select the first part of the link you justed pasted.
This leaves the ID.
Your video will appear in your page.