B1 Streaming

How to Add a Sermon

There are two types of sermons you can add; a specific video or a permanent link to your live stream. Either way the sermon record contains all the data about the video itself, while the service indicates when to play the video.

Adding a Specific Sermon Video


  1. Click the add icon in the top right corner of the Sermons list and choose “Add Sermon”
  2. Select the playlist this sermon belongs to. A playlist is equivilent to a sermon series.
  3. Choose your video provider. This is where the video itself is stored.
  4. Depending on your provider you will either be asked for the video id for popular platforms. You can also use any embedable video source by manually specifying the embed url.
  5. For YouTube only, you can use the Fetch button after entering the video id to grab the duration, title, description and thumbnail from YouTube.
  6. Select the publish date for the sermon. This does not actually schedule the sermon to play (that is done via Services), it simply keeps the list in chronological order.
  7. If you haven’t fetched the values from YouTube, enter the video duration, title, description and add a photo.
  8. Click ‘Save’

Adding a Permanent Live Url


With most platforms, it’s possible to add permanent unchanging url which will always link to your current live stream. You can use the “Add Permanent Live Url” option to add this url.

You will need to enter your channel id for YouTube or Custom Url for other platforms. The channel id is not the same thing as your channel name. Here are the instructions to obtain your channel id.

The date and playlist fields have been removed from the normal form. Simply enter a title and the expected duration of your live service. It’s better to overestimate if you’re unsure. You can fill the unused time with announcements if desired.

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