
Adding People to Chums

  1. Add People 1 In the Chums homepage, go to the people icon on the left side of the page

  2. Add People 3 If you have already imported people go to the bottom of the first page and find the “Add a New Person” box. Type in the name of the person and click Add.

  3. Add People 5 To see all the files you have added leave the “Simple Search” box blank and click “Search”

  4. Add People 6 To find a specific person, type their name and hit “Search”. You can also just type thier first or last name and find everyone with that name.

  5. Add People 11 You can also search for and add new people from the Chums home page

  6. View Screen You can change which fields show up on the view screen by clicking the icon in the top right corner and choosing which fields you want.

  7. Delete Function You can add a quick delete button by clicking the icon in the top right corner and choosing “Delete Option”.